
国际和平奖学金基金成立于1949年,旨在为在美国攻读研究生的国际女学生提供奖学金.S. 或加拿大. 

截止日期: December (eligibility forms); February (application)

值: 最高12,500美元

资格: P.E.O. 国际和平奖学金基金为在美国认可的学院或大学攻读高级学位的美国和加拿大以外的妇女提供经济援助.S. 或加拿大 with the expectation that students will return to their home countries to utilize their education to make a positive impact and foster global peace; In order to qualify for her first scholarship, 申请人必须有一整年的剩余课程, be enrolled and in residence for the entire school year; Doctoral students who have completed coursework and are working only on dissertations are not eligible as first-time applicants; A student who is a citizen or permanent resident of the United States 或加拿大 is not eligible. Note: A student with residency for tax purposes only is permitted; Scholarships are not given for online courses, 研究, 实习或实践培训,如果不与课程结合.

奖学金类型: 研究生、留学生

提名: 没有,但强烈鼓励办公室工作

网站: 国际和平奖学金